Get treatment for your healthcare needs.
Our services
Our specialized therapists address musculoskeletal injuries and the rehabilitation associated with injury or surgeries. Clients are carefully monitored as they learn safe techniques, gain strength and flexibility, and increase their cardiovascular conditioning. We want you to feel the best you ever felt in years and return to your prior level of activity.
Therapeutic Exercises
Therapeutic exercise seeks to accomplish the following goals:
Enable ambulation
Release contracted muscles, tendons, and fascia
Mobilize joints
Improve circulation
Improve coordination
Improve balance
Improve muscle strength and, if possible, achieve and maintain maximal voluntary contractile force
Sports Rehab
Our therapists help athletes of all calibers return to their prior level of performance through modalities, manual techniques and therapeutic exercise.
Our goal is to:
decrease pain,
improve flexibility,
and increase strength, agility and overall performance as quickly as possible.
We understand how important it is to get back on the field, court, track, etc from our own personal experience in sports and athletics.
Let us help you achieve your peak performance.
Spine Rehabilitation
Here at New Boston Physical Therapy our intentions when dealing with spinal injuries or discomfort, is to insure all patients can achieve the relief they are looking for and be pain free again.
All patients have different signs, symptoms, needs, and tolerance to exercise. Having the full resources of therapy, hands-on care and strength training equipment, our physical therapists have a full array of treatment options to best suit the needs of all patients.